Don Whitesel

Pastor of Care

My Story

Growing up in a troubled home, I came to Christ when a local pastor invited me to attend a Vacation Bible School at the age of 9. From that point on, I slowly moved forward in my faith until a city-wide revival broke out in our city when I was a junior in high school in 1970. At that same time the Jesus Movement was also beginning to make an impact all over the United States. I became a part of a Christian rehabilitation center for troubled teens, later traveled with a Christian music group, and finally after returning home, I served as an elder in a church that was birthed from the revival. Today, I am still feeling the effects of the “Revival of Love,” the Jesus Movement, and my early experiences in a small church as I seek to make Christ known, communicate His great love for us, and serve Him with my whole heart.

Being a part of a local expression of God’s church and participating in and leading small groups has helped me have compassion for others, understand the struggles and brokenness of those around me, and taught me how I can encourage others as we grow together. I feel life together is an essential part of us becoming all that God desires for us to be.

My Hope for Grace

After 43 years of ministry, 25 years of those at Grace, it is my hope that Grace will always be a safe place for personal transformation and growth as people come to know Jesus Christ, live in meaningful community with others, are enabled to break the bonds that have kept them hindered all their lives.