Covid-19 Updates

October 9, 2020

Click Here for the update from 10/09/2020

July 30, 2020

Update 7/30/2020
Click Here for the update from 7/30/2020

June 22, 2020

Update 6/22/2020
Hello Grace Family,
Here are the important updates for this week:
Walking Together – Wednesday Night
We’re excited to remind you that Wednesday, June 24 at 6:30pm will be our first walking together experience. There will be groups meeting at:
•Grace Church - 353 River Road, Hudson
•Chauncy Lake,  Westborough
•Ghiloni Park, Marlborough
9am Outdoor Worship Service
This coming Sunday is our in-person 9am outdoor worship service to be held in the field at our church property. We need to follow social distancing protocols and get registrations to be able to plan for the service. You can see details and answers to frequently asked questions on our website or by clicking this link:
11am Online Service
This will continue as an important regular opportunity for worship and study of God’s word.
I’m excited about this weekend and Wednesday night. I hope you can join us.
Stay healthy and God bless you,
Pastor Marc

June 9, 2020

Update 6/9/2020
Hi Grace Church family,

I’m excited to bring you this week’s update with some key dates to be aware of as well as ongoing opportunities to “be-the-church”:

Sunday June 21 – We will launch our new summer series “Walking Together”. This series will be focused on what it means to have our hearts, lives, homes and relationships shaped by gospel. This series will continue through the summer. What is unique about this series is that every Wednesday following that Sunday’s message we will encourage small groups to physically meet and walk together. We will have some discussion questions from the Sunday message and more information will be shared about times and places this will happen.

Sunday June 28 – We will gather for a 9am outdoor service which we will continue weather permitting through the summer. Logistical details will follow.

Ongoing worship opportunity - The 11am live streamed service will continue as we have in recent months. Please continue to invite friends and families to join these services to hear the gospel and enjoy God’s presence and worship with others.

As we are discerning next steps for our church family and we are thankful to God for stories we hear about how you are continuing to love others and use the gifts God has given you. We are aware of the diversity of people’s comfort with respect to meeting together. We fully respect and want to encourage each of you in the ministry God has given you.

With respect to the church building we will continue to keep this closed, except for church staff. We are also grateful to many who have offered their time to rebuild volunteer teams in welcome, video/ audio technology and building and grounds help. Email if you want to learn more.

God bless you and stay healthy,
Pastor Marc

June 1, 2020

Update 6/1/2020
Dear Grace Church family,

Thanks for listening in for this week’s update at Grace.

With respect to the building we have made progress with cleaning, and practical set up for regathering like demarcating entrances and exits, seating with social distancing, etc.

One of our key needs is rebuilding volunteer teams for welcome, technology and cleaning support. Look for an email from Pastor Chad or contact him if you’re available to help. You can email

We have also planned our summer series which will launch in July. The series will be called Walking Together. On Sunday’s I will speak about living out the gospel and on Wednesday’s we will call people to walk together and discuss what they are learning in their walk with God. It will be a great way to be in God’s Word, get outside and enjoy some community. More detail will follow.

God bless you and stay healthy,
Pastor Marc

May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020
Dear Grace Church family,
We want to give you another update in terms of our regathering. We have reviewed all the guidance given by the Governor’s office, and relevant authorities and we are forming and implementing a regathering plan.
This has two major areas:
The cleaning of the building. Cleaning and disinfecting of the entire building will be completed prior to opening and we are adopting enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols moving forward.
Establishing and implementing regathering protocols. These are to ensure as safe an environment as possible and meet or exceed state guidance. More details will follow but to give you an idea: we will regather with diminished capacity (things won’t look or feel the same), we will follow social distancing rules with 6ft distancing between families and wearing face coverings, and new signage, entry and exits to avoid bottlenecks of people, etc.
With all the preparation that is ongoing we will not gather for worship this Sunday on May 31, 2020 and we are not committing to a hard date this week. We are targeting one of the first two weeks of June. We are keeping some flexibility on date depending on whether there is any new information.
We understand that there is a range of responses from those who think we are moving to slow, and others wanting us to take our time. Our goal is not to try to please everybody. Our goal is to be a community that helps people know and follow Jesus. We want to create space for those who are comfortable with the protocols and want to regather, AND for those wanting to take time we will continue with high quality online worship and gathering opportunities so we can all be encouraged in our faith.
As a church family the past weeks have helped our appreciation and practice of “being the church” which is much greater than just coming to a building Sunday morning. So please:
Continue to pray for us.
Continue to partner in ministry. This includes ministry to each other, our community and faithfulness in giving.
Keep your eyes and ears open for volunteer opportunities.
God bless you and stay healthy,
Pastor Marc

May 18, 2020

Dear Grace Church family,
We were excited to hear Governor Baker’s announcement that houses of worship/ churches are included in Phase 1 of his MA reopening plan. We’re excited to be moving towards gathering in person again. We wanted to let you know how this will impact Grace as a church family:
We will not meet in person this week but continue with all online content as we have in recent weeks.
We want to ensure we open responsibly and consistently with the guidance given to us by the State of MA. You can see this guidance at .

Every Monday we will provide an update of what is changing at Grace. These will be communicated on our Facebook page and website.
When we gather at the church we will meet the safe practice guidelines we’ve become familiar with:

COVER – nose and mouth when we can’t maintain distance
WASH – hands and surfaces
KEEP DISTANCE – 6 feet apart whenever possible
BE VIGILANT – Look for Covid symptoms and stay home if unwell.
If you have any questions please email us at Please pray for us collectively to have wisdom and coordinate well to honor God and for the good of our community.
Bod bless you and stay healthy,
Pastor Marc

April 3, 2020

Hi Grace Church friends,
We’re aware how we are all processing our “stay home” period uniquely. If you’re on the front-lines, thank-you and we’re praying for your safety. We all have new challenges, and hopefully some new areas of thankfulness. Although physically separated as a church family we still are committed to do whatever we can to help people know and follow Jesus. One thing I’m so excited about, and thank God for, is how our church family has responded.
•Stories of compassion and care are inspiring. Thanks to all those working in benevolence, care and prayer ministries.  Galatians 5:6 “What is important is faith expressing itself in love.”
•Encouragement has overflowed with sharing of Bible verses, reminders of God’s faithfulness and fervent prayer. Romans 15:4 … through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
•Continuing to meet regularly for worship and prayer. Engagement in the 11am Live Stream on Sunday morning was 425 families and individuals (we estimate about 1,000 people), and 2,000 others have watched part or all the service since then. In addition, Wednesday night on-line, daily devotionals, and small groups, prayer groups, student groups and children meeting on Zoom, etc. have kept us in God’s word and praising God. Acts 2:42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing meals, and to prayer.
•Sharing the gospel. Acts 1:8 you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
•Letting generosity overflow. During these uncertain times it may be challenging to practice generosity. Always remember that God is faithful. 2 Corinthians 9:10-11 He who supplies the seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.
A few important things to say as we move forward:
•In accordance with State guidance the church building is closed to all, but essential workers until May 4, 2020.
â—¦Continue to connect on-line and reach out if needed. Website is and email:
â—¦Sunday 11am at or on Facebook Live
•This week is Palm Sunday, and then Easter. Our Easter these is “No Other King!”. Join us on-line live, Good Friday at 7pm and Sundays at 11am. We’re really excited to celebrate Jesus with you.
•The easiest ways to give currently are through the secure sites online. Go to or text “Grace Hudson” to 77977.
•Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2
On behalf of the Grace team we want to thank you for your encouragement and let you know we want to encourage you and build you up in your faith anyway we can. Please keep reaching out. The best way is click on “Need prayer” button on the front page of our website or email
Trusting in Jesus!
Pastor Marc and Barry

March 17,  2020

Hi Grace Church family,
It was exciting to see hundreds of people joining us on-line for Sunday worship last week. We hope you enjoyed the encouragement from the prayer Jesus used to teach his disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9-15. We focused on the phrase “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is heaven”. Our God is the King of Kings. He rules all things at all times – even now with the Covid-19 virus and global consequences. He is our source of confidence, hope and peace.
Grace Building Access and Cleaning
Since our last Grace Church update there have been updates from President Trump, Governor Baker, and their advisors. With no MA gatherings more than 25 to April 7 that means that we won’t be able to worship corporately on Sunday through this period. We will continue to worship and be the church together (see more below), but it will look and feel different. We don’t want this to continue, but we are praying good comes from this season we are in. We expect that because Jesus said in John 5:17 “My Father is always working, and so am I.” NLT
We are closing the building to the congregation through April 7 or depending on guidance from Governor Baker and his office. This is a difficult decision, but in line with public health guidance. We will have extra cleaning done with Covid-19 effective disinfectant, but certain parts of the building closed off completely. Small teams of staff and worship team volunteers will be in the building from time-to-time, but there will not be a regular office hour presence at the church. Church staff are mostly working from home.
Continue Loving Generosity
Hope in the Good News of Jesus is needed every day and our ministries, operations and outreach partners remain active to help people know and follow Jesus. Last weekend the tithes and offerings to the church were just $15,000 compared to our budget and regular income of $34,000 per week. While we are carefully managing expenditure, most of our costs continue. We would appreciate you praying and giving cheerfully and generously through this time as part of your worship.
Giving options include:
◦Give online at and click the “Give Now” button on the home page.
◦Give via your phone by texting “Grace Hudson” to 77977. You will receive a secure link for giving directly to Grace.
â—¦Mail checks to: Finance Manager, Grace Church, 353 River Road, Hudson, MA, 01749
Stay Connected
We want to stay connected as a church family through this time. Here are some specifics:

i-  Use any extra time to connect with God and get filled up. Enjoy worship, God’s word and teaching. Pastor Marc will provide some devotionals on the Grace Church facebook site as well as recommend some resources through the period. If you don’t have Rightnow Media access email and we can send you access to our Grace Church account with lots of excellent content for children to adults.

ii -  Be creative to stay connected with friends and family. If God puts someone on your mind, try to reach out to them as soon as possible. We might end up talking or facetiming more than usual through this period.
iiiLook for ideas and updates from Grace Church. We are trying to coordinate our communication so that you are not inundated. We are planning the following:

a.  Church-wide updates from Marc and Barry as needed based on news
b.  Information about on-line services and gatherings (more below) – via email and social media – Facebook and Instagram
c.  Grace Families updates for families with children under 18 from Ben and Lisa
d.  Stay Connected emails once a week from Chad

iv - On-line worship and gatherings.
a.  Sunday at 11am. Watch on-line or Facebook live.
b.  Wednesday 7:30pm. A unique on-line gathering you won't want to miss with encouragement to “Be the Church Now”
c.  Connections from your ministry or life group.

v - Connections with Grace Church staff and elders. We would love to increase connection with you. We will be reaching out, but would also love to hear from you. This is a great time to complete prayer and praise cards – especially if you haven’t used these as part of our regular participation in Grace Church. We’d love to hear from everyone. We love to pray with you. Click the “Need Prayer?” tab on the home page at, or use our app or email Try it now!
Our help is from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth! (Psalm 121)
Trusting in Jesus together!
Pastor Marc and Barry

March 13,  2020

Dear Grace Church family,
We love you and it saddens us to hear how the coronavirus (COVID19) is impacting our communities and more broadly our nation. We are praying for you and your families specifically. It is timely that our most recent Sunday worship services focused on the words of Jesus from Matthew 6:9 – “Our Father in heaven. Hallowed be Your name.” Jesus reminds us that we pray to a Mighty God who wants to relate to us as a loving, thoughtful, watchful Father – “abba” (daddy!). As a community that seeks to help people know and follow Jesus, it is important to keep worshiping God and loving others with all our lives; remaining prayerful, trusting, thoughtful and generous. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:5-7).
In-line with Governor Baker’s guidance, and because our concern for your health and those we are all connected to, we are suspending ministry gatherings for groups over 20 people for the next two Sundays. We are upset not to be meeting together, but thankful God keeps working as we keep following Jesus together. Remember that there may be people around you struggling to understand what is happening. They are searching for hope. Sharing the gospel of Jesus is a powerful witness during these times. We will continue to monitor public health guidance and stay tuned-in to both local and national news.
Please see specifics below. Ministry leaders will reach out to you with more details as appropriate.
•No public worship services on Sunday March 15 and March 22.
â—¦Participate in the worship service on facebook or online at 11am Sunday or at your convenience online through the week. A small team of us will provide the online worship from Grace on Sunday. Our website is
•No Youth or Children’s activities for the next two weeks (March 14 – 26)
•Church is closed for all non-Grace Church activities.
•The Volunteer Appreciation dinner and Woman’s Retreat will be postponed.
•No Grace Church gatherings over 20 people in the next two weeks. This includes Thrive, Stay ‘n Play, Celebrate Recovery and Alpha. All other groups will meet at their leaders discretion – check with your leader.
•Prayer or praise requests can be emailed to or completed on the website or Grace Church app.
•Church staff will be on-site during this period and stay in contact with you. If you have needs or concerns please reach out to others you know in the church family and be available for support. If you do not have your own contact or need to reach out to church staff please use the normal methods of communication.
•Please stay faithful and generous in giving. Our ministries, operations and outreach partners remain active.
â—¦You can give online at and scroll down the page to give online.
◦You can give via your phone by texting “Grace Hudson” to 77977. You will receive a secure link for giving directly to Grace.
â—¦You can mail checks to: Finance Manager, Grace Church, 353 River Road, Hudson, MA, 01749
If you think of someone who may not receive this information directly please reach out to them yourself. We are thankful for the work God is doing in you and through you.
Trusting in Jesus
Pastor Marc

March 13,  2020

Dear Grace Church family,
We continue to pray for everyone of you with decisions you are making and changes to your plans and routines. We thank God for your faith and love for each other.
We have just listened to Governor Baker’s lunch time announcement which included no gatherings over 250 people including “faith based” events. The staff team will be meeting this afternoon to make final plans. This evening we will send out a more detailed email with specific arrangements.
Trusting in Christ,

March 11,  2020

Dear Grace Church family,
As you know, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is dominating the news and impacting communities and organizations across the world. We are monitoring the situation closely and following hygiene and workplace best practices. We will also follow guidance from federal, state and local authorities. In particular this may apply to the potential closing of the buildings or cancelling gatherings.
At Grace we are staying focused on cleanliness across the building, including regular wipe down of surfaces. We will continue to provide hand-sanitizer in key locations throughout our buildings. We are instructing all staff and volunteers to wash their hands frequently while serving, or to stay home if they are sick.
We also encourage the following:
•Wash your hands often and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
•To break the habit of shaking hands or hugging as part of your warm welcome. Practice the big smile and “elbow tap”.  
•If you are sick or concerned: (i) let us know via email or prayer requests on-line or our app; and (ii) stay home and watch our services via our website or on Facebook Live.
•Stay informed. The Center of Disease Control and Preventing (CDC) is providing updates and information.
We will update you if anything changes or if we have any Grace Church news.
Trusting in Christ,
Barry Brits
Executive Director