Chad Whitesel
Connections Pastor
My Story
So glad you’re checking out Grace Church! My name is Chad and it’s my joy to be one of the pastors at Grace and be part of what God is doing here. Before I was a pastor, and before I was a husband, or a dad of two, I was called by name by God to be a child of God and ever since I have been pursuing His will for my life. Knowing Jesus as my rescuer and following Him as my leader hasn’t always been easy or perfect but the journey has been full of faith, hope and most of all love.
Being at Grace has been a huge part of my life with Jesus and also Grace has been community that has helped me grow in my understanding and pursuing of God’s call on my life to be a pastor. I started at Grace as the Children’s Pastor and now serve as the Connections Pastor.
Wondering what that means? If you want to get connected, I’m your guy! I am passionate about helping others connect with Jesus and with others in our community. For many, that means no longer trying to figure out life on their own and finding a group of people to do life with, or as we like to say around Grace find a Life Group.
Being at Grace has been a huge part of my life with Jesus and also Grace has been community that has helped me grow in my understanding and pursuing of God’s call on my life to be a pastor. I started at Grace as the Children’s Pastor and now serve as the Connections Pastor.
Wondering what that means? If you want to get connected, I’m your guy! I am passionate about helping others connect with Jesus and with others in our community. For many, that means no longer trying to figure out life on their own and finding a group of people to do life with, or as we like to say around Grace find a Life Group.
My Hope for Grace
My hope and joy are that Grace Church is a community that is helping people of all journeys and backgrounds to know and follow Jesus, the same way it has been for me! The journey won’t always be easy or perfect, but each step is full of faith, hope and love!